Overcoming Dental Anxiety

While some people consider it as easy as a walk in the park, it is not uncommon for people of all ages to struggle with the idea of dental appointments or procedures and to be challenged to feel safe in that environment.
Often, dental appointments for these individuals are delayed and deferred and sometimes at the expense of their health and well-being.
There are many reasons that a person may not feel comfortable having dental work done. For some, even the idea of a dental cleaning is challenging and invokes an anxious response. This may be due to sensory challenges or previous traumatic experiences.
Other times the reason can be as simple as the person doesn’t feel comfortable in such a vulnerable situation with practitioners positioned above them while they expose a vulnerable part of their body.
This can cause some patients to feel a lack of control, and even to feel claustrophobic.
While many of these reasons can be reasoned away with logic, the reality is that the presentation of anxiety is a complex and multifaceted topic that sometimes requires a combination of approaches as well as medical assistance to be able to work through – since it may not be within the patient’s control.
The degree to which we are able to offer a calm and comfortable dental experience for our patients and our ability to gain their trust is where our true interest lies.